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Paul Whitmore

Disaster Preparedness Advisor 

A.A. Business (Clayton University)

A.S. Medicine (Baylor University)
Retired Green Beret Special Forces Medical Specialist

Zhan Zhuang Qigong Teacher

Shiatsu Massage Therapist


If you are injured in a fall, or car accident, have sudden unexplained severe chest pain, shortness of breath, uncontrolled bleeding, or any other Critical medical issue please contact Emergency Medical Responders and have them transport you immediately to the nearest Emergency Treatment Center.  


If you recently survived a natural or man-made catastrophic event and do not require medical attention, I am sure your STRESS level is “off of the charts”.  The next step in your survival is to bring that level down, reducing and preventing the harmful, internally destructive effects associated with stress.  The best way, without a prescription from a Physician for a sedative or other narcotic, is with 10 to 30 minutes a day of Zhan Zhuang Qigong. 


If you are an Outpatient and you feel you are simply being "sustained or maintained",  not becoming worse yet not improving, there is light at the end of that tunnel.  I recommend that you consider adding Zhan Zhuang Qigong to your current treatment plan so that you can experience rejuvenation and transformation in your body's natural healthy systems and stronger emotional stability while continuing to follow your Physician's instructions.


​After three decades of instructing on the judicious infusion of Zhan Zhuang Qigong together with their current Western medical treatment the students all say they have experienced five positive changes 1) more vitality, 2) an increase in strength, 3) more restful sleep, and their Physician 1) reducing or stopping some of their medication, and 2) stopping some treatments, with NO (ZERO) adverse or harmful effects experienced or reported.




​Shiatsu massage was first practiced in China and Japan over 2000 years agoA Shiatsu massage, like you might enjoy today, consists of a finger-pressure technique that utilizes the traditional acupuncture points of Oriental healing.  Similar to acupressure, shiatsu concentrates on unblocking the flow of life energy (known as chi) and restoring the balance in the various systems in the body.  By unblocked it allows the major body systems and organs to begin healing and more importantly Homeostasis is achieved.


The therapist applies varying degrees of pressure using their fingers, thumbs, palms, elbow, or knees to specific zones on the skin that are located along the energy meridians.  The treatment brings about a sense of relaxation while stimulating blood circulation and lymphatic flow.  The benefits of Shiatsu massage may include pain relief, feelings of euphoria and a strengthening of the body's resistance to sickness, disease, or disorders. 


However following the first Shiatsu massage, many clients experience cold or flu-like symptoms: aches & pains, sinus drainage, loose bowel movement, and sometimes a headaches. These symptoms are a side-effect of the deep relaxation that occurs after all of the major systems in your body are stimulated and encouraged to open-up and flow naturally encouraging the healing process. These symptoms seldom last longer than 24-hours, and usually, they are not experience with further treatments.


Shiatsu Myofascial Tension and Pain Release Message



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